Congratulations to the Canadian research team: Carly Warren, Abeera Ali, David Gafni, Daipayan Guha, Mayan Murray, and Hendrik Ophardt. They are the winners of the 2017 Dieter W. Jahns Student Practitioner Award from the Foundation for Professional Ergonomics (FPE). The University of Toronto team are graduate students from various programs with a common interest in ergonomics. In addition to the acrylic award, each team member received a check of $200 and a complementary registration, provided by HFES, for the Annual Meeting.
Their project began as an assignment for a Knowledge Media Design course on human factors research methods in the Faculty of Information. The project, “User-Centered Design Recommendations for Augmented Reality in Navigated Spinal Procedures” identified the components and cognitive steps required to carry out a navigated spinal instrumentation (NSI) procedure. The objective was to identify requirements for surgeons carrying out NSI procedures, to inform and direct the future design of a prototype augmented reality (AR) system; including the content to be displayed and the AR interaction techniques. Translation of these functionalities to a more efficient AR environment requires an understanding of the tools, cognitive steps and physical manipulations that are required to carry out an NSI procedure. The results define the best way to integrate an AR device into the surgical and training workflow, while providing useful and relevant information. Click here for an abstract of the Toronto team’s project.
Carly Warren stated: “It was an honor to be presented with the Dieter W. Jahns Student Practitioner Award! It provided a great opportunity to meet experts in the field of ergonomics and to attend the HFES annual meeting.”
Carly Warren and David Gafni discussing their award with Dr. Marvin Danoff,
Past President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Previous winners include:
2016: Hyungil Kim, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2015: Moritz Albert, Daniel Reinhardt, and Ann-Kathrin Kraft Institute Human-Computer-Media, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg,
2014: Denny Yu, University of Michigan
2013: Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson University
2012: Mohd Nasrull Abdol Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
2011: Radin Umar, Ohio State University
2010: Augusto Espinosa, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University